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BSECE Pathways


BSECE Pathways

BSECE pathways are designed to enable students to achieve a greater depth of study in one or more of the many areas within electrical and computer engineering, while still providing the ability to add courses in other areas of interest. Students will be able to pursue their long-term goals and interests while staying on the cutting edge of research and industry trends. These suggested pathways are comprised of groupings of courses within specified areas relevant to future electrical and computer engineers.

  • Students are encouraged to view the pathways below as guides rather than strict requirements. The pathways can assist a student with customizing their degree to better serve the student’s interests and long-term goals. There may be times when a student wants to ‘step off the path’ or ‘enrich their path’ by exploring another area within ECE, and some pathways intentionally intersect with others, helping to facilitate broader learning.
  • Students are also encouraged to reach out to advising staff and faculty to create their own path – one that meets the student’s vision while also satisfying the requirements of the BSECE degreeWhether a student chooses to follow one of these suggested pathways or create their own, their degree will culminate in a capstone course during their final year of study.
  • Please be sure to reference the ECE Academic Year Course Offerings Plan to see when courses are planned to be offered during the current year. Feel free to meet with ECE Advising to learn more about current course offerings and for assistance with creating a course plan.
  • Because pathways are optional and some courses are constrained, we cannot guarantee students will be able to complete all of the suggested classes for a pathway. Students are encouraged to review all courses available for completion of the Advanced ECE Electives requirement.

Computer Architecture


Control Systems

Embedded Systems

Machine Learning

Microelectronics & Nanotechnology



Quantum Technologies

Sensing and Communication

Sustainable Energy Systems

VLSI Design / Digital Systems Design