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Research Showcase

Research Showcase 2025

Thursday, March 13, 2025

5 to 7:30 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)  |   HUB North Ballroom

RSVP here to attend!

Our ninth annual UW ECE Research Showcase features cutting-edge research projects from UW ECE graduate students. Visitors have a chance to review posters, speak with the students and their advisers and learn more about the exciting projects underway across the various labs at UW ECE. The Research Showcase was also a perfect opportunity for visiting prospective students to learn more about the Department’s research.

Research Showcase is UW ECE’s premier event for students to showcase the exciting research projects they are working on in labs and groups across all areas of electrical and computer engineering. This event allows our students to present top research in a variety of areas with societal impact. The topics covered include artificial intelligence, medical device technologies, power and energy, transportation, the environment, wireless communications and more.

Check out past showcase research projects below!

Research Showcase 2024


View photos from the event!

Congratulations to our 2024 Research Showcase winners! 

Best Foundational Research

Students (listed alphabetically): Jason Isa, Bohan Wu and Qirui Wu

The team won three Apple iPads for their research on “Effect of Adaptation Rate and Cost Display in a Human-AI Interaction Game.”

Best Applied Research

Students (listed alphabetically): Gokul Nathan

Nathan’s team won a Boeing tour for their research on “Developing and Enveloping and Testing GPS Enabled Inertial Reference Navigation System for Next Generation Flight Computers.”

Best Overall Research

Students (listed alphabetically): Misael Lopez Granados and Raahul Potluri

The pair won a UW ECE Cash Prize for their research on “FlexFPGA: A Case for Multi-Tenant Disaggregated Cloud FPGA Architectures.”


Research Showcase 2023


Not displaying properly? Click here to download a PDF of this year’s projects.

View photos from the event!

Congratulations to our 2023 Research Showcase winners! 

Best Foundational Research

Students (listed alphabetically): Kai Luo, Rodriguez Pham, Joaquin Santecchia and Alex Sklar

The team won Amazon Frames for their research on Evaluation of Indoor Localization Methodologies: A Comparative Study of Trilateration, LSTM, and Random Forest Regression.

Best Applied Research

Students (listed alphabetically): Alvin Cao and Ken Christofferson

The team won a Boeing tour for their research on EarSteth: Phonocardiogram Reconstruction using Earbuds.

Best Overall Research

Students (listed alphabetically): Liban Hussein and Marziyeh Rezaei

The pair won a UW ECE Cash Prize for their research on Secure FMCW LiDAR Systems with Frequency Encryption — EMiT Lab.

Research Showcase 2022 - virtual poster exhibit

Watch the video recording here!

*Awards were presented to the top two research projects at the end of the event, as determined by a select group of ECE faculty judges. This year’s prizes included a Department-sponsored cash grant to be used toward any research-related travel, and Amazon’s first household robot the Amazon Astro, kindly sponsored by Amazon’s Lab126! Learn more about the technologies and engineering behind the Astro robot here.

Congratulations to our 2022 Research Showcase winners, Maneeshika Madduri and Luocheng Huang!!

Travel Grant Winner for Best Foundations Theory Research

A Game-Theoretic Model for Co-adaptive Brain Machine Interfaces (poster #8)  |  Maneeshika Madduri

Amazon Astro Robot Winner for Best Applied Research

Broadband Imaging with Metasurfaces (poster #27)  |  Luocheng Huang

Luocheng Huang with his Amazon Astro robot. photo by Ryan Hoover

Luocheng Huang with his Amazon Astro robot prize. photo by Ryan Hoover


1. Harnessing Optoelectronic Noises in a Photonic Generative Adversarial Network

Changming Wu, Xiaoxuan Yang, Heshan Yu, Ruoming Peng, Ichiro Takeuchi, Yiran Chen

2. Electronic Mode Stirring for Improved Backscatter Communication Link Margin in a Reverberant Cavity Animal Cage Environment

Sara Reyes, James Rosenthal

James Rosenthal headshot

3. Mixer-First 4-Element mm-Wave Digital Beamforming Receiver with High-Speed Low-Resolution ADCs

Deniz Dosluoglu

4. Broadband Long Delayed Self-interference Cancellation for use in Full Duplex Transceivers

Xichen Li, Yi-Hsiang Huang

5. LUNA: Localizing Unfamiliarity Near Acquaintance for Open-set Long-Tailed Recognition

Jiarui Cai

6. Demonstration of an Optimized Large-scale Optogenetic Cortical Interface for Non-human Primates

Devon J. Griggs, Julien Bloch, Shawn Fisher, William K. S. Ojemann, Kali M. Coubrough, Karam Khateeb, Marcus Chu

7. Policy Gradient Descent for Control: Global Optimality via Convex Parameterization

Yue Sun

8. A Game-Theoretic Model for Co-adaptive BMI

Maneeshika Madduri


9. DeSO: Decentralized Secret Oracle for Blockchain

Milad (Mohammadbagher) Fotouhi

10. Nonvolatile programmable silicon photonics based on phase-change materials

Zhuoran Fang, Rui Chen, Jiajiu Zheng, Asir Intisar Khan, Kathryn M. Neilson, Sarah J. Geiger, Dennis M. Callahan, Michael G. Moebius, Abhi Saxena, Michelle E. Chen, Carlos Rios, Juejun Hu, Eric Pop

11. Tissue Characterization with Smart Grasper Robot

Yana Sosnovskaya, Hunter North, Chul Jung, Ethan Sepa, Shaheryar Hasnain

12. Non-contact Physiological Sensing with Radar and Camera

Girish Narayanswamy, Tess Despres, Xin Liu, Shirley Xue, Snehal Shokeen

13. MM-Scale Focal Length Tuning in MEMS-Integrated Meta-Optics

Zheyi Han, Shane Colburn

14. Decentralized Safe Reinforcement Learning for Voltage Control

Wenqi Cui, Jiayi Li

15. Computationally Efficient Safe Reinforcement Learning for Power Systems

Daniel Tabas

16. The Cost of an Arm and a Leg: Designing Limbs for Multiple Dynamic Behaviors

Joseph G. Sullivan, Amber Chou, Joshua Vasquez, Hao Luo

17. Learning in Stochastic Monotone Games with Decision-Dependent Data

Adhyyan Narang, Evan Faulkner

18. Tunable and Deterministic Single Photon Emitters in Bilayer WSe2 with Quantum Phonon States

Adina Ripin, Ruoming Peng

19. Frequency Resolved Angular Modulation Beam Steering

Bingzhao Li, Qixuan Lin

20. Integrated Acousto-Optics Device with Solid State Qubits

I-Tung Chen

21. Secure Frequency Encryption FMCW LiDAR System

Marziyeh Rezaei, Liban Hussein

Marziyeh Rezaei

22. OpenLabCluster: Semi-automatic Keypoints Based Animal Behavior Clustering and Classification

Jingyuan Li, Moishe Keselman

23. How Does it Sound? Generation of Rhythmic Soundtrack for Human Movements

Kun Su, Xiulong Liu

24. Programmable black phosphorus image sensor for broadband optoelectronic edge computing

Seokhyeong Lee, Ruoming Peng, Changming Wu

25. O-pH: Optical pH Monitor to Measure Dental Biofilm Acidity and Assist in Enamel Health Monitoring

Manuja Sharma, Lauren K. Lee, Matthew D. Carson, David S. Park, Se W. An, Micah G. Bovenkamp, Jess J. Cayetano, Ian A. Berude

26. Analyzing neural flow using signal processing on graphs

Felix Schwock

Felix Schwock

27. Broadband Imaging with Metasurfaces

Luocheng Huang

Luocheng Huang

28. Should Storage-Centric Tariffs be Extended to Commercial Flexible Demand?

Lane Smith

We would like to congratulate the students and their advisers on developing these excellent projects that are here on display, and thank you for sharing your research with us. Thank you to our industry friends for your valuable partnership and we look forward to seeing our relationship continue to grow!



Research Showcase 2021 - virtual poster exhibit

Check out last year’s student research project posters below!

Open the PDF and click on an individual project to view full-sized poster.

Research Showcase posters

Download PDF

Research Day 2020 - virtual poster exhibit

Click here to check out or download the interactive poster program PDF below. To view individual research projects in more detail, browse through the program and click on a project page of interest to open that group’s full research poster in a new browser.