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UW ECE launches new online certificate program in GPU-Accelerated Computing and Visualization

August 22, 2022

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UW ECE will launch the new online Certificate in GPU-Accelerated Computing and Visualization this upcoming autumn quarter —  an evening, graduate-level program for students wanting to enhance their skills and knowledge in these areas. The project-based program explores how GPU Computing and Scientific Visualization support reshaping and reenvisioning the world in novel dimensions. In a series of three complementary classes, students will learn and apply the theory, practical hands-on skills, and undocumented “black art” techniques required to develop optimized parallel GPU software. 

The program is designed for working professionals in science, engineering, and software industries and current graduate students in STEM disciplines interested in developing their skills in optimized parallel GPU software design and programming, with applications in machine learning, scientific/engineering and numerical computing, biomedical, computer graphics, and scientific visualization.

Learn more about the program, curriculum, and instructor by attending an upcoming online information session on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 12 p.m. PDT. Register and RSVP here.

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